Ian Cain For US Senate


Former Governor Jane Swift Endorses Ian Cain for Senate

Swift joins Rep. Michael Soter and Mayor Thomas Koch in Backing Cain

Quincy, MA – Today, former Governor Jane Swift announced her endorsement of Ian Cain in his run for U.S. Senate. Along with Governor Swift, Cain for Us also announced support from State Representative Michael Soter (8th Worcester District) and Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch.

In her endorsement, Governor Swift said, “Ian Cain represents the next generation of Massachusetts leadership. His energy along with his commitment to fighting for what matters most to the Commonwealth separate him from the out of touch politicians he is running against. I’m proud to offer him my support and am confident he will do what it takes to keep Massachusetts safe, secure, and prosperous once in the Senate.”

Throughout her career, Swift has served as Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of Consumer Affairs, and State Senator. Joining her is Representative Michael Soter who represents ​​Blackstone, Millville, Uxbridge, and Bellingham and Mayor Thomas Koch, who serves the city of Quincy with Cain, a current councilmember.

Representative Soter stated, “Ian Cain is the person we need representing the Commonwealth in the United States Senate. Ian will fight to solve the disaster at our border to keep Massachusetts safe and secure. He understands that hard working Massachusetts citizens can no longer bear the burden of the federal border crisis. I trust Ian to put our citizens in Massachusetts first before D.C. politics.”

Mayor Koch added, “In all the time I have known Ian, he has been a man of his word. When he promises something to the people of Quincy, he delivers, which is a quality we desperately need in Washington. I am excited to support his campaign for Senate and I know the people of Massachusetts can count on him to lead us into the future.”

“I am grateful to have the support of local, Massachusetts leaders. This campaign is about bringing energy and competence back to our Senate seat, and I will work diligently to make that happen and end Elizabeth Warren’s celebrity climbing,” stated Ian Cain.

Cain announced his campaign in mid-April, quickly getting the necessary signatures to qualify for the ballot. He has been a vocal leader on supporting law enforcement, securing our border, and investing in innovation.

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