Ian Cain For US Senate


Ian Cain Challenges John Deaton to Republican Primary Debates Throughout MA

QUINCY, MA – Today, Republican Ian Cain challenged primary opponent John Deaton to a series of debates ahead of the September Republican Primary Election. The challenge comes after Deaton struggled to clarify if he actually lives in Massachusetts, announced his full support for Obamacare, and after he doubled down on the Chuck Schumer-lead Border Bill that Republicans voted down after it became clear it failed to push real solutions for the crisis at the border.

“It’s time that Massachusetts voters see John Deaton for who he really is: a celebrity climber who is moving to our state for shameless and selfish reasons. Deaton and Elizabeth Warren are exactly what is wrong with politics – they care more about themselves than the community they are running to serve. I look forward to debates on the issues and how we move Massachusetts forward in 2024,” stated Ian Cain

Deaton has also failed to pledge to stand with law enforcement as he sues the Barrington Rhode Island Police Department. The ongoing litigation is a result of Deaton’s arrest outside a Pop Warner football game, after which he told police officers “I pay more in taxes than your entire salary” and tried to hold up his middle finger at police officers during his mugshot.  

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